
February 27, 2008

So there has been some controversial response about my hair.

And there are many reasons why I finally cut it.

Actually, Tonya cut it so later on I can blame her.

The first reason is because I had a fever of 101 for two days straight.

The second is because, well, it's something that I've wanted to do for a long time, but could never muster up the strength or courage. I mean, I had my dreads for 13 years, it was to the point that I had no idea what I looked like without them. And they are dreads, ya know, they're so cool and long and Muppet like and they grew from my head as they little things and now they were massive and perhaps spiritual, at least I think so, but not in a Rasta way, or at least not entirely, but more in a Saddhu way of denouncing the world (do I really believe that? Maybe.).

So yea, I could never bring myself to cut them, but here I am in India, outside of myself for a minute, outside of the rat race, in a spiritual place (the Ashram), and it was a full moon, and we were on the roof. And it seemed right. I have felt like I could not move forward for awhile, and shit, I'm 34, and I'd like to , well, move forward. As Tonya says, now I look like a Dad, whatever that means (gulp).

And fuck it, I wanted to.

Yea, it had nothing to do with staying in a cult -- there are so many Westerners with dreds here, this is definitely a hippie Indian Ashram for sure (sort of). But it's nice to run my fingers through my hair and have it wet and not take 3 days to dry and have my head be able to sit on my body without hunching over cuz of the weight. Was it the right thing to do.. what's right anyways.


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